Look and see the Glory of the Lord
His beautiful Majesty
He rules and reigns throughout the Cosmos
Holding all within His mighty hands
Nothing is mistaken nor forgotten
He knows His creation well
Within the vast Mind of Christ
Creating all humankind
Partnering and creating alongside
New and wonderful things
Only if humanity does a DIY
Will there be issues
Sons of God, remember to partner with
The Creator, when making things
Seek Wisdom, Discernment, and Justice
Here, there will be balance in what you do
Seek Him first; who He is fully
All creativity and provision will flow
Pure in thought, word, and deed
Will lead to knowing our Creator
In an intimate way
Our hearts beat along in unison with His
As this occurs
Communities begin to change
Sons of God, let go of worldliness in your thinking and living
Seek first His Kingdom
Seek first His Righteousness
Seek first His Justice
Then, His full provision and well-being flows
Actively surrounding your life
He loves us more –
To Eternity and Beyond