“When the eyes are entwined with light, our entire being is light. – Francois du Toit, Mirror Study Bible
What is it like to be transfigured?
Such power and energy from within
How is this energy activated?
Entangling and entwining within
Power and creative light within us
Focusing our intent
Freely allowing ourselves
To become one with the Light
You feel it
You sense it
A great molecular change
The body itself feels the power emerge
An explosion of sorts within
The body, in its entirety, is light
Pure light
Moving without issue
Connected with the Father-Creator
Contentment not like any before
The whole universe and more – open
Moving toward the earth's shield
Standing as my authentic self, there
Along with others
Shining brilliantly
One purpose
To release a sound
Waiting, listening for that frequency
Upon hearing the sound
All begin at the exact moment
Emitting the frequency of Restoration
