Sitting in a barn
The smell of hay surrounds me
Streams of light shining through the rafters
All is quiet and calm
Above me, a rustling noise
A snowy white owl sits on a rafter
Then, seemingly floats down
I do not move
But look into this beautiful creature’s eyes
A fierce softness looks back at me
And it flys into my lap
It snuggles up against my neck
Cooing hoo-hoo softly
I dare to touch its feathers
The softness is beyond measure
The snowy owl hoo-hoos
A couple of times – hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo
I see three smaller owlets fly
They come and alight upon me
One on my shoulder
One on my head
One on my lap
All curious
Each one wanted a pet
So, gently petting each one
They snuggle as close as they can
Softly cooing hoo-hoo
As the owlets snuggle
The momma snowy owl watches
She answers them; it seems
Telling them I’m not to be feared
I sit for such a long time
Holding these sweet owlets
Humming to them and petting
A true sense of peace overwhelms me
I look up at the snowy owl momma
I simple ask
“Why me?”
The answer came –“You desire wisdom.”
She gave me an impartation.