A single wheat stock
Blowing alone with the wind
Then, another wheat stock joins
And another
A field of wheat bowing in the wind
I hear, “Yod Hey Vav Hey” in the wind
Gently this song is sung
The wheat in the fields stands
As if to listen
As the frequency flows over, they bow
In the sky
Clouds form a picture
Colors in the clouds entwine
Like a dance in the sky
I see the four faces; Lion, Ox, Eagle, and Man
The animals all lookup
Attentive to what they see and hear
One by one
Creature bow
Acknowledging their creator
The earth rumbles
It quakes
The frequency within the earth
Changing and reforming
Like a voice acknowledging its Creator
Then, in the sky
A veil torn
All of heaven, one can see
The door to the dimensions
Now, fully open
Glory’s light shines brightly
Streaming through the door
Heaven’s Love-Light touches earth
All of creation; insects, birds, mammals
Bow before their Creator
Angelic voices sing
Their frequency harmonizing
Opening the door further
The song goes out
A clarion call to the sons of God
Arise and come, oh sons of God
The require of you
To stand and be
Listening and living in a community
In complete harmony with one another
Listen, sons of God
Live in balance and peace
Keep the door of unity with heaven
Open within yourselves
Bow now before your God and King
The Seven Spirits of God
Begin to swirl around each son of God
Imparting and teaching
Revealing their true identity
Now, they can rule and reign
Let the earth
Be filled
With His Glory
Restoration is here
