Yahweh claims the world as His
Everything and everyone belong to him Psalm 24:1
Let us go before the Lord
The God Almighty
To seek his face
To hear his wisdom
But who can come before him?
He is holy and just
He who can pierce a soul
Knowing they can deceive
Come before the Lord with a contrite heart
Bow before him in purity of heart
Let no language separate
For God knows the hearts of all
God is the make of heaven and earth
All powerful
All Consuming
The Lord created and formed everything
The earth and its creatures
The cosmos, planets, and starts
The fullness of all that is
He created humanity in His image
A part of the creator is in me
A strand of his DNA
His spirit and mine
Oh, the marvelous wonders of Yahweh
Come and bow down before him
Give back to him all he has given you
For He is all in all
(Inspired by the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord)
“Joy is the serious business of Heaven.” C.S. Lewis
