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Prepare for the King

Workers along the highway

Fixing the potholes

Smoothing out the roadway

An urgency to complete the project

The King is coming


Towns are remodeling

Giving the buildings a facelift

New paint and signs

The King is coming


Workers in the fields

Pushing harder to finish their harvest

Rushing back home to clean up

The King is coming


Far down the highway

A procession can be seen

Moving steadily

The King is on his way


Before the King

Before the King

A processional of priests

Then Beings and Angelic

Proclaiming – “Here is your King!”


A parade of heaven

One by one, they march through

Crowds on either side of the highway

Bowing before their King


Peace falls among the people

The town is silent

In awe, they are now in his presence

The King has arrived




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