Hear that sound?
Far off in the distance
A bell is heard ringing
A call to all creation
Live is here
Joy is here
The ring of the bell
Changes in pitch
A melancholy sound
Remember where you came from
Remember the struggles
Remember the truth
The ring of the bell changes
Once again lighter
Ringing out Peace, Justice
Surrounding that bell
Seraphim and Cherubim
Weaving protection and calling out
No more bloodshed
Evil to be contained
Pride goes before the fall
Hear the bell rings
More join in
A sound of Hope
Another sound is heard
A roar is so great
Hear the Lion of Judah
The sound of the roar
A cleansing sound
Goes deep into the earth
The vibrations of that sound
Reverberate all of earth
A great shaking occurs
Sifting all the chaff
Sweeping all that is evil away
A balancing occurs
See the pendulum swinging
Back and forth
Then it hits the Bell
This Bell is Liberty
Ringing out it’s call
Let Freedom Ring