In the realm of Light
Here before the father of Lights
There is peace
Peace beyond any human understanding
In this realm, there is Love
A feeling or sensation of completeness
“I am everlasting Love.
Allow this frequency to flow
Through you and all creation.”
I stand, then turn with purpose
Toward the earth and its inhabitants
My spirit expands
As it does, I release the frequency
Of Everlasting Love
It flows like a river
Shines like silver and gold
Hues of blues turning
Saying, “I am Everlasting Love.”
This Love touches every bit of creation
All people, flora, and fauna
Even the different spirits
Working against the Kingdom of God
All cannot help but stop
Recognizing that something beautiful
It has touched them deeply
“I am Everlasting Love.”
Demons and evil spirits
Recognize this Love
They cower before it
Some scream in agony
Some evaporate into nothing
Some turn toward the Love-Light
Those that turn - bow
“I am Everlasting Love”
This frequency booms
Vibrating all of creation
“I am Everlasting Love”
Just and Righteous
Merciful and True
“I am Everlasting Love”
“I am Eternal Light”
“I am the symphony of Creation.”