Sound of Many Waters
Frequency coming from heaven
Drifts from the Throne of God
Into the spirits of God's children
What is this I feel inside
That draws me to the divine
It permeates my very being
Covering me
Liquid love and light
Poured out from His throne
Flowing like honey from the honeycomb
Covering and sticking to all creation
Feel His Joy (it's our strength)
Feel His Love (it's our foundation)
Feel His Peace (it's our well-being)
His grace is given
Poured out to all
What a gift
Oh, such love
Sound of Many Waters
Bringing to us God's frequency
A sound so vivid and pure
Stop. Be still. Listen.
Oh, the breath of our Creator
The love of God is pure
He speaks so gently
"Be still and know I am God."