Sitting on a bench
In a field full of flowers
A waterfall flows
Bringing the music of heaven
Peace surrounds me
A door appears before me
Jesus appears
He walks towards me
He holds something in his hand
Curious, I ask him what it is
Smiling, Jesus hands me a box
I open this box
Inside is a golden key
An inscription on it
I look at him, very puzzled. He responded to my puzzlement.
“This key is to unlock the Joy-economy.
It will not open this door unless those called are ready to open it.
However, the time draws close.
Be prepared to take the key and place it in the door.
You will know when that time is. I will tell you. Now, place this key in your heart. Then, it will be ready for its opening.”
I placed the key in my heart.
My heart seemed to grow.
I looked at Jesus, and I asked,
“What may I do now to help the manifestation
Come at the appointed time?”
He replied,
“Continue to call the sons of God
To their positions on the earth’s shield.
Speak Love, Life, and Light over the earth.
Release this over the earth as well – the Blue Light.
It is the call to those who still need to come and understand.
I have prepared people’s hearts. I have placed in motion
strategies. Continue to seek Me. Continue to release what you have been. You’re on the right track.”
